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Festivals in Myanmar(updated)

Unsatisfied yet with the fun of the lighting festival
Myanmar-Burma of Thadingyut, the people start preparing for another lighting festival called Tazaungdine or Tazaungmon.

Tazaungmon  or Tazaungdine (November)is the festivals month when  the Krattika plenet (Pleiades) accompanies  the Moon in Myanmar-Burma, and  when Mahavinayaka awakes from his long slumber. It is a pre Buddhist custom in Myanmar festivals to do homage to this deity on the Full Moon night of Tazaungmon with offerings of incense, sweet-meats and lights.

This festival of Tazaungmon is an auspicious time for offering of yellow robes to the monks in Myanmar-Burma. The Buddha’s mother, reincarnated as a god in Tavatimsa, perceived from her heavenly abode that her son would  soon be discarding, the royal robes and wearing a monk’s garments. She wanted to provide the yellow robes of the monk and she had only a night’s time. But she had it woven in a  single night and offered to the Prince (Siddhata) by a celestial messenger. In commemoration of this event weaving  competitions of  yellow robes are held all over the country.

An offering during the festival of Kathein thingan (ceremony for offering of yellow robes) to the monks is usually a big affair in large cities of Myanmar. During festivals offering ceremonies consist of a thousand and one gifts pooled by whole town's in Myanmar-Burma beside the prime gift of Yellow robes. The Kathein festivals in Myanmar-Burma account for the greatest significance in Tazaungmon.


In Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State in Myanmar, the people celebrate the Tazaungdine festival with Kahtein (offering of monk robes) as well as the releasing up fire-balloons into the sky. Balloons in the shape of elephant, ox, horse, water-buffalo, bird, pig, fish, owl and parrotare released during the Myanmar-Burma festivals.

The Taunggyi festival is the biggest festival in Myanmar. The festival is attended not only by Taunggyi Citizens but also by people from southern Shan State and many different places of  Myanmar-Burma. Taungyi’s  Kahtein tradition festivals is amazing  and worthy of  reverence.
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